Thursday, June 14, 2007

Something funny.

So here is something humorous that happened to me on Tuesday. I was walking to my 2:30 class and was talking on my cell phone. Now, if any of you know me particularly well, you know that I am unable to multi-task; this includes walking and talking on the phone at the same time. So I went upstairs in the building, still on the phone, walked into my classroom, finished the call, and sat down at the desk.

I look up at there are thirty pairs of surprised eyes looking at me. Titters sweep the classoom and I hear, "Farang mai rhoo laew," or "The foreigner doesn't know." I realize that this is not my classroom and these are not my students. I stand up, grab my bag, smile, and walk out of the classroom without saying anything. I made it to my correct classroom and was relieved to find my students in it.

So let this be a caution to all of you against trying to do ANYTHING while talking on a cell phone. The end.


Barbara Milligan said...

At least you're not as likely to get run over by a motorbike when you're in the wrong classroom.


j. shipley said...

love it. so funny. and a classic cell phone moment. i am lol-ing a little bit here.