Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A day in the life of... me.

Here is an example of my typical Tuesday:

6:30 Drag myself out of bed
7:15 Leave my apartment, stopping at my favorite coffee shop down the street for iced coffee
7:30 Walk to Huay Kaew Road to catch a taxi to the university
7:40 Arrive at CMU, convince the taxi driver to charge me 15 baht instead of 20 baht because I speak Thai
7:50 Drop books off in my office and review my notes for my class
8:00 Begin teaching class
8:15 Recap the first fifteen minutes of class for the fifteen students that walked in late
9:15 ENG 203 ends, walk to my next classroom
9:30 Begin teaching ENG 103
10:45 Class ends, I start the walk back to the English Department
11:00 Talk to my family briefly on my cell phone
11:30 - 2:30 Fill out the time waiting for my next class with eating lunch, checking my email, hanging out in the faculty common room, journaling and reading the book of the day
2:30 Teach my last class of the day
3:45 Class ends and I catch a taxi at the main road back to my apartment (I probably should walk but my 4:00 I am exhausted)
4:15 Arrive home for swimming, dinner, preparing for classes, and random excursions
10:30 Bedtime... my favorite time of day. Hurray.