Saturday, June 23, 2007

A close, personal relationship with the sidewalk.

I was on my home from buying dinner at a street market tonight a few blocks away from my apartment. Totally lost in my own world, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, missed a step down where the sidewalk disappeared and fell flat on my face. I don't mean just stumbling a bit and awkwardly catching my balance. I was down on the ground, on my hands and knees.

This was so incredibly ironic because I talked with my parents this morning about how the sidewalks here are often uneven and sometimes nonexistent. Serves me right for not paying attention. I tend to look at anything but my feet when I walk in cities, which isn't the best idea.

As I was by myself and there was no one to laugh about it with me, I picked myself up in a hurry and continued sauntering down the busy street. I didn't look around to see if anyone saw me fall, just hurried home to doctor up my bleeding knees.