Sunday, March 9, 2008

Signing off.

I arrived home safe and sound on Monday. Since then, I've been trying to find a normal sleeping schedule and adjust to... everything.

I can't believe that I'm home. When I arrived in Chiang Mai, nine months seemed like FOREVER. This past year has been one of the hardest and richest times in my twenty-three years. I learned. I struggled. Sometimes I thought I would never survive. But I did. I'm sure that now I don't realize how much I have changed and grown.

I won't miss everything about Thailand. I won't miss the traffic. I won't miss the pollution. I won't miss the heat and humidity. But I will miss the smell of chilis that makes my nose run. I'll miss the way the mist hangs over the tops of the mountains in the early morning. I'll miss my friends. I know I'll go back to Thailand some day. It's hard not to know when. But I know I'll go back. Thailand is a part of me; every time I say goodbye, my heart breaks a little.

I've decided to retire this blog. It was meant to make it easier to update all of you about my life while I was in Thailand. Thanks for sticking with me, thanks for your prayers and encouragement.

God bless.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The last blog post in Thailand...

Dear friends,

In a few hours, I will fly from Chiang Mai to Bangkok and then fly from Bangkok to LAX. If you would pray for safe and hassle-free traveling, I would really appreciate it. I'll be writing a longer post once I get home, but for now I can't really process what is going on.

So, sawatikhaa and chok dii.
