Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'm here!

Hi friends, I have arrived. Traveling was ok, the airline lost my luggage in Bangkok and I burst into tears when I was talking to the luggage agent out of exhaustion and frustration. The customs agent felt so sorry for me that he let me through without even checking my passport. I have today and tomorrow to relax and then I have my first meeting on Friday.

I feel extremely homesick right now, but hopefully it will get better. Pray for me and my adjustment because I don't feel like I'm adjusting very well right now.


meg said...

You are amazing!! I can just see you standing in bangkok exhausted and bursting into tears. so not funny but i am smiling because I am sure you knew it was bound to happen as some point. I love that you are so courageous and did this all on your own!! beautiful little place you have!! very you. good luck today on your meeting :)