Friday, May 18, 2007

Gecko schemecko.

One of the things I love most about the city of Chiang Mai is a used bookstore called Gecko Books. At least once a week, I would go to sell back the books from the previous week and buy new ones... kind of like a library except not really. And Gecko is the biggest used bookstore in SE Asia, or so it claims. The English language section is ginormous and the most expensive books are about 300 baht (about six USD). Heaven on earth! Well, almost.


meg said...

Yeah I am so proud of you for being so brave!!! If you get bored or lonely go to the veg. restaurant across from the uni. and eat a big plate of food for me, or go for pasta at the italian restaurant across from central that takes forever, or go to that little wine bar that ajarn anne went with us to, or just go get a good book at gecko and sit in the sauna at the gym on that sidestreet by the uni. i cant believe it. im already forgetting names of streets. aggghh....i miss you already. i WILL come visit just let me know when. I love you!!!!

ps - my blog while im in australia is