Friday, January 18, 2008


One of my favorite things to do in Chiang Mai is listen to conversations while riding on a "songtao," the most common form of public transportation. Usually this involves listening to conversations regarding myself. I often overhear conversations with two or more locals discussing me. Most Thai people assume that, as a farang, I am unable to speak or understand Thai. Little do they know!

Here is a conversation that occurred yesterday, when a gaggle of first-year nursing students joined me on the bus:

Girl #1: Look at that professor. Her skin is so white!
Girl #2: I like her hair.
Girl #1: Do you think she can speak Thai?
Girl #2: No, I don't think so.

Me: Actually, yes, I can speak Thai!

(Exclamations of surprise and delight by said nursing students).

They then proceeded to ask me what my name was, where I'm from, if I like Thailand, and where I learned to speak Thai. When they arrived at their stop, all waved goodbye and wished me a lovely weekend. I'm going to miss the friendliness of the people here when I get back to the States.