Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

It hardly feels like Christmas when it is 80 degrees outside, but nevertheless, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I had a fun Christmas Eve and Day celebrating with friends: attempting to make cookies in a tiny toaster oven, watching Christmas movies, going to a service at my church, being pampered at a spa, and eating lots of turkey and mashed potatoes!

I miss my family and cold weather and Christmas decorations, but the past few days have been good ones, with minimal amounts of homesickness. It helps to know I'll be seeing most of my family (Mom, Dad and Lauren) in less than 48 hours. I'll share some Hansen Family Adventures a little later in the week, as I'm sure there will be plenty!

I wish you great joy as you celebrate with family and friends, and remembering the most important reason for this holiday; the birth of Jesus Christ. May you feel His presence this Christmas.

Many blessings!