Monday, September 10, 2007


One great thing about my teaching schedule is that I have a lot of free time during the day. The main way that I like to occupy my down time at the English Department is reading. I'm trying to read all the books that I should have read but haven't. I've been buying books at the Gecko Bookstore in the Old City (within the old city walls), but that can get expensive as my reading list grows.

Today, I wandered into the CMU library to explore a little and see if I could find an English books section. Not only did I find an English section, but they have five or six Norton Anthologies! The promised land! For those of you who don't know, the Norton Anthology is the most respected in the field of English literature. Only an English major would get excited about finding a Norton Anthology. All the gang was there: Frost, Blake, Shakespeare, Melville, Fitzgerald... There is enough to keep me busy until I leave in March.

I walked up and down the shelves, devouring the book titles with my eyes. I'm sure it was obvious I was thrilled; there were some students around and I think they thought it strange that someone was getting so excited over some old books. I didn't try to contain my excitement and tomorrow I am going to get a library card so I can begin!


nate said...

weirdo ;)

meg said...

k remind me again what day is mine for dinner?

j. shipley said...

you would. haha.